Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's All K's Fault or How Duct Tape Took Over the School.

It all started last summer. K attends VBS at her friend S.G.'s church every summer, cause they have the best program. As K describes it, they talk about Jesus for a little while and then they do fun stuff for hours. K always chooses some kind of arts and crafts class. One year, K learned to weave baskets. Another, she did pottery, real pieces that they glazed and fired. One day last summer, they taught the kids to make duct tape purses.


K LOVED IT! Needless, to say, I bought her some Duct Tape.


To be continued.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm so proud.

Last October, Muse Magazine ran a contest to compose a love poem to something unloved. They printed K's entry in the latest issue. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Muse march 2011

Muse march 2011 p1

Muse march 2011 p2

Yup, earwax. That's my girl.

We laughed till we cried at "A Free-Verse Poem to my Beloved Dandruff." She wants to meet Jo Z, Alaska. I think not.