I must shamefully admit, for several years, K was a Vacation Bible School Orphan. I did so much, I barely had time to eat and sleep, let alone talk to my family. My crafts were creative, well prepared and fun, I was told I was a fantastic teacher and my decorations were so good, the directors couldn't throw them out. But it was too much. I realised it was not a good thing and I quit. I've been very happy and much less stressed and can now pick K out of a line up every time.
This year was the first time in three years that, when asked, I said yes, I would do one little thing. Just one. I think that's fair. If everyone did one little thing, there wouldn't be the poor few who work day and night for weeks to make it all happen. Our director tried very gently to increase my commitment, but I stood my ground and did my one thing, in a timely fashion and never once woke up at 3 am freaking out over how to make 8 foot paper and chicken wire volcano smoke without burning down the sanctuary or how to help 100 children each make a hand painted t-shirt in only 2 hours. (I still have nightmares about those t-shirts.)
Anyway, this is what I volunteered to do.

The VBS we are doing this year is Crocodile Dock and these are Bible Buddie trading cards. You print the front and back on a sheet of cards stock, cut out 9 cards and each child gets one at then end of the day to take home. They're a big hit with the kids and very inexpensive. The first two years I designed, printed, cut and cornerounded 600+ of them. I was hallucinating by the end. This year, I only did the design part, a bunch of teenagers are going to do the printing and cutting. Love those youth volunteers.
If you could use them, I've made one set for each day and uploaded them to my
flicker account. Please leave me a comment if you use them, comments make me glad. :)